Wednesday, May 24


RSJ Events presents:



Undying Inc.

IIIrd Sovereign


Date: Sunday, 28th May, 2006
Venue: Turquoise Cottage
Time: 8:30 PM onwards
Entry: Rs.100*

*standard club/bar rules apply

source: RSJ Forums

Friday, May 5

Film: Topsy Turvy @ The British Council

IMDB on Topsy Turvy (do read the comment by Tom-207 from Boston)


Friday 5 May, 6.30 p.m.
Saturday 6 May, 3.00 p.m.

Venue: The British Council, KG Marg (Near CP)

Entry: Free Passes, also available online. Entry on first come first served basis

Note: Tends to get filled up very very quickly, so better to be there half an hour in advance. And the movie's quite funny in places.

Thursday, May 4

Alter Ego, Levikitus and Them Clones at Turquoise Cottage

Bands : Alter Ego, Levitikus and Them Clones
Venue : Turquoise Cottage, Adchini
Time : 8:00 PM onwards
Date : Sunday, 7th May
Entry : Rs.100*

*standard club/bar rules apply

Note: With their album due to release next month, one should expect Them Clones to play a new setlist.

Haze Blues Fest 2006

5th May: HFT and Lou Majaw (The legendary founder of The Great Society, Shillong; was once known as the Dylan of the North East)
6th May: Soulmate and Grand Finale Jam

Time: 9:00 pm
Venue: Haze Blues Bar, Priya Cinema Complex, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi

Entry: Free (according to a post on

Poster: here