Thursday, August 10

Andha Yug - A play by Manish Joshi

Andha Yug is one of the most significant plays of modern India. Written immediately after the partition of the Indian subcontinent, the play is a profound meditation on the politics of violence and aggressive selfhood.
The moral burden of the play is that every act of violence inevitably debases society as a whole.
It captures the essential tension between the nightmare of self-enchantment, which the story of the Kauravas represents, and the ever-present possibility of finding a way out of the cycle of revenge into a redemptive ethicality.

Date: 12th August'06
Time: 7pm (Duration 120 mins)
Venue: Poorva Sanskrit Kendra, Laxmi Nagar (E.Delhi)
Entry: Tickets (I don't know source right now. I have 2 extra passes for DoingDelhi readers)
Notes: The writer of the play is Dharmavir Bharti of Suraj ka Satwan fame, whose bio can be found here.


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